Early Childhood Education

If you are a college student who is majoring in or studying Early Childhood Education (ECE), finding a college nanny job in Canada can be great experience towards your career choice. If you are just beginning college and not sure if ECE is for you, being a college nanny can help you decide if Early Childhood Education is a profession you’d like to go into.
ECE can be extremely rewarding if you genuinely love children and are interested in starting them off in their educational careers. Just as nannies are responsible for babies and children for a large portion of the day, so too are Early Childhood Educators. Because you are with them for long periods of time, you have the chance to get to know them, to forge relationships, and most importantly, to teach them.
In Early Childhood Education, teaching happens all the time, formally and informally. Yes, you can teach children of a certain age the ABCs and numbers, but playtime is learning time as well – you will teach children to share, to put toys away nicely and to respect time limits.
Early Childhood Educators, like nannies, will also have to take care of mundane tasks such as making sure children use the bathroom, getting kids to nap, supervising lunch time and making sure they eat properly, tying shoelaces and enforcing general rules of social interaction.
The difference between being an Early Childhood Educator and a nanny is that in ECE, you must have a degree. Some nannies might have degrees in ECE, but it’s not necessary. In ECE you generally (but not always) work in a school setting, while most nannies work in a home setting. It all depends on what you are comfortable with. If you are considering studying ECE or are already applying to jobs, having nanny jobs on your resume can help you get to where you’d like to go.
There are many types of ECE jobs available. If you’ve been a nanny to 2-3 year olds, you might know that that is the age group you want to teach. Or, you might not have enjoyed that experience but rather, enjoyed taking care of 4-5 year olds more. Based on your experience you can decide which type of ECE job is right for you. Some ECE jobs are: full-day teacher, home childcare provider, early childhood assistant, pre-school and nursery teacher, Montessori teacher, programming director, after-school educator and camp counselor.
Depending on where your passion lies, you will choose a job that gets you optimal satisfaction. The main thing is for you to feel fulfilled through your work, which is the highly important task of educating today’s children and tomorrow’s doctors, lawyers, leaders, and yes, even future ECE teachers.
ECE can be extremely rewarding if you genuinely love children and are interested in starting them off in their educational careers. Just as nannies are responsible for babies and children for a large portion of the day, so too are Early Childhood Educators. Because you are with them for long periods of time, you have the chance to get to know them, to forge relationships, and most importantly, to teach them.
In Early Childhood Education, teaching happens all the time, formally and informally. Yes, you can teach children of a certain age the ABCs and numbers, but playtime is learning time as well – you will teach children to share, to put toys away nicely and to respect time limits.
Early Childhood Educators, like nannies, will also have to take care of mundane tasks such as making sure children use the bathroom, getting kids to nap, supervising lunch time and making sure they eat properly, tying shoelaces and enforcing general rules of social interaction.
The difference between being an Early Childhood Educator and a nanny is that in ECE, you must have a degree. Some nannies might have degrees in ECE, but it’s not necessary. In ECE you generally (but not always) work in a school setting, while most nannies work in a home setting. It all depends on what you are comfortable with. If you are considering studying ECE or are already applying to jobs, having nanny jobs on your resume can help you get to where you’d like to go.
There are many types of ECE jobs available. If you’ve been a nanny to 2-3 year olds, you might know that that is the age group you want to teach. Or, you might not have enjoyed that experience but rather, enjoyed taking care of 4-5 year olds more. Based on your experience you can decide which type of ECE job is right for you. Some ECE jobs are: full-day teacher, home childcare provider, early childhood assistant, pre-school and nursery teacher, Montessori teacher, programming director, after-school educator and camp counselor.
Depending on where your passion lies, you will choose a job that gets you optimal satisfaction. The main thing is for you to feel fulfilled through your work, which is the highly important task of educating today’s children and tomorrow’s doctors, lawyers, leaders, and yes, even future ECE teachers.